Monday, February 28, 2005

John & Devon are officially parents

Today we received an email from John and Devon telling us about the events of the day in the Chinese government adoption process. They had to endure a lot of waiting and then their babies name was called and they rushed into a room where there documents were examined and then their baby was handed to them.
For those of you not familiar with the whole process, they do not call the parents' name, just the child's. you have to recognize it - which we did. Not all did. And they your child is simply handed to you. They went through 10 families in about 10 minutes or less.

This sounds crazy and I can't imagine the mixture of emotions they were feeling, baby included.
When they finished with the official process:
After about an hour more screaming, albeit with less screaming toward the end and more sobbing and moments of sleeping, my baby girl boarded the bus back to the hotel. A diaper change, and another immediate diaper change later, Ju Hua fell asleep on Devon's chest on our bed. It was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen - this will be clear from those of you who are forced to watch the 20 minutes of video I shot of this.

We can't wait to meet little Zoe.

Hooray, hooray, hooray for Zoe!

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