To celebrate mother's day the three of us went to the zoo. It was Finn's first trip to the zoo and he was really into everything. The great thing about the Woodland Park Zoo is that in many instances you can get fairly close to the animals. Finn really focused on some of the simpler things at the zoo, but he really liked the giraffe that got about 15 feet from him. We didn't take any pictures of the giraffe becasue we didn't want to scare it away. Finn and it were having a real moment.

Big bear.

Big bear's food(the tender morsel behind the glass).

We took a pit stop at the food court. Crows were on watch for fallen tidbits.

This beautiful wolf was just pacing back and forth. It's not exactly Yellowstone.

Finn was really checking out the gorillaz.

Finn sitting on the King of the Jungle (with a little help from Mama).